Tips To Produce High Quality Videos For Your Training Program

movie clapperUsing videos in your training program is an effective way of delivering new content to employees. You can actually use it to train employees so you can eliminate the need for face to face interaction. It is a convenient way of delivering information to learners especially if that content does not change regularly. If the information that you hold constantly changes, using a video for the whole course is not ideal because it will be difficult to change portions of it at a time. You usually need to re-make the whole video to insert changes and updates. But if the content does not have to change (e.g. company policies, history, etc), then you can use a high quality video to help get your message across.

A video is a great tool to use especially when your audience cannot be scheduled regularly. For instance, you can use a video to train new recruits and employees. As a new worker comes in, you can simply pull out that video and have them look it over instead of you having to stop your daily routine to train them. It is convenient and very easy to do.

Since the material will be used several times, you want to make sure that you can create a high quality video that will not be ruined after a few times. When we say high quality, we mean using a video that has real actors and will be shot with a production. It is not just the typical video that has image slides or transitioning photos.

Here are some tips that you can do to create a video that you will last for a long time.

Preparing to create a high quality video.

Planning is the most important part of preparing for the video that you will use in your training program. Video production is oftentimes costly so you want to make sure that you are prepared for any event that could keep you from producing great content. Here are tips to remember.

  • Outline the content. This outline will help you identify when image will be used or what parts will need an actor, a voice over, etc.
  • Create the script. A script will allow you to determine how long the video will be. It will also serve as your detailed guide throughout the video production.
  • Identify the elements needed in your video. For instance, placing a “pause” feature will help learners study the video at their own pace – which will help increase retention rate.
  • List your equipments. Since this will be a video production, you will need a lot of equipment like the camera, props and other requirements of your actors.
  • Plan where you will shoot the video. Lastly, you need to plan where you will create the actual video and the other post production tasks that you need to accomplish.

Creating the high quality video.

The second phase in creating the video for your training program involves the actual recording. You need to be aware of two things: the visual and the audio aspect of your video. If you will be shooting outdoors, the audio may not be as good as it will be if you recorded it indoors. Consider that so you can prepare a microphone that can isolate sound well. You should also remember that shooting may not go as planned so make sure you are flexible enough to deal with these changes. Do a lot of takes so you have choices when you are already in post production. That way, you do not have to re-shoot – that can be quite costly and tedious too.

Editing the high quality video.

The last stage is the post production. This is the time when you will be putting all the pieces together to create the final video copy that will be used in your training program. Here are important tips when you are in the editing stage of your video production.

  • Carefully arrange the narrative with the visuals. As mentioned, there are times when the original audio from the actual shoot is not good enough for the final copy of the video. You have to dub the audio separately. There are also times when the narrative will have to be added into visuals – to give it a more dramatic effect.
  • Keep the video short. Bite-sized videos is better than a lengthy one. It will keep your learners from being too bored with the material. Not only that, if you have to change anything, you do not have to re-shoot the whole material. You can just get only one part of the video series and change that.
  • Incorporate music and visual effects. When words are not necessary, you can put some background music instead. Feel free to use visual effects too. That will help make the video more interesting.
  • Make sure the video file is readable. A great video is useless if you cannot play it. Make sure it can easily be played and it will not give the learners a hard time viewing it.
  • Give it a subtitle option. This is great for viewers who have hearing disabilities. Ensure that your video will not discriminate against them.
  • Create a low quality version. Lastly, you want to create a low quality version that can be sent to those who have slow internet connections. That way, even those with connection problems can still access the video.

Follow these tips so you can create a great video for your training program. Not only will it make the course more interesting, you may be able to boost engagement too.

Image courtesy of  Greenleaf Designs for

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