Benefits Of Using Videos In Your Custom Training Programs

facts on screenMost training programs are custom made. Even if you have the same learning material, there are many factors that will make your training unique. You have the instructor, the students, and even the tools that will be used to deliver the lesson. This is why most elearning initiatives seek out custom training programs.

We have mentioned that one of the factors that will make your training unique are the tools that you will use. There are so many tools that can enhance the learning process and one of them are videos. Here are the reasons why you want to incorporate this in your course.

  • It can help you explain ideas. Visual explanation is more effective than audio or text. It is not only easier to explain things in behalf of the instructor, the learners will also have an easier time absorbing the lesson.
  • It makes explanation faster. If you are teaching formulas or calculations, using a video in your custom training program is more effective than trying to explain it in text. The learners can see how you go from step one to the final computation.
  • It captivates your audience. Anything that is visually stimulating will always be an effective learning tool. This is why more people want to watch a movie rather than reading the novel alternative. Text reading takes time and it is admittedly, boring. A video on the other hand will make it easier for your learners to stay interested in the lesson.
  • It allows learning despite the time difference. When you put your video in an archive, future learners can simply access that file to acquire the same knowledge that others have learned before them. It makes for a never ending learning process for anyone as they need it.
  • It costs little to make the learning process continuous. Since videos allow you to archive lessons, it make learning continuity cost efficient. You only have to do the material once and that is it. The instructor involved in the video making process does not have to keep on teaching the lesson.

When you plan to use a video in your custom training program, you may want to decide if you want to use it for the whole lesson or only to highlight important concepts or facilitate activities. That is actually up to you. If the text is still important, then keep it there. There are certain lessons that have to be updated every now and then. These may be difficult to update if they are included in the video. You may have to redo everything. A text on the other hand will be easier to update.

In case you want to use a video, you may want to make it in installments. That way, you do not have to redo the whole lesson in case of updates. This is why you should always look into the future when you are making your custom training program.

Apart from videos, there are also other tools that you can use to make your training more effective. Scrutinize all of them and feel free to combine them with videos to make your lessons more engaging.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles for