Common Misconceptions About Online Classes

misconceptions about online classesOnline classes may be effective but there are several misconceptions about it. This is really surprising because of the increasing popularity of this learning method. Companies have recognized how this can help them in their training programs. Busy individuals can now use it to learn something new without compromising the multiple tasks that they have to complete each day. Modern students have come to appreciate how it can help them learn in a more economical and convenient way.

While all of this makes elearning great, it is not meant to be the only way to learn. That being said, you have to know the limitations and restrictions of this type of learning. You need to get rid of all the misconceptions surrounding online classes so you can set realistic expectations.

Here are some of the popular myths surrounding elearning.

It is the easiest way to learn.

The fact that it is accessible anytime and anywhere makes it a convenient way to learn. But that does not mean it is the easiest way to learn something new. It is perfect only to certain types of lessons. If there is a need for practical or hands-on training, this is obviously hard to do through online training programs. Not only that, learning, regardless of the type, will still be challenging. You have to go through a lot of reading materials and take tests and assessments too. It is like eating the same amount of food – only on a different plate.

It does not involve any interaction.

While there is no physical interaction, that does not mean you are completely isolated when learning through online classes. You have online chat, discussions, and forums. These allow you to interact and learn with other people who have chosen the remote way of learning. You can even opt for video chat or conference with the instructor if you have questions. The fact is, some people are more prone to share their opinions online rather than in person. So you can expect a higher level of participation among online learners.

It is easier to cheat.

While the instructor is not physically present, you will find it hard to cheat when you are taking tests or assessments online. There are programs that help instructors check the content of your submitted work. It is very easy to run content to check for plagiarism. There are also online classes that require screen sharing or webcams during exams to guard against cheating.

It promotes procrastination.

What makes online learning appealing is the fact that you can choose when you want to study and where you want to do it. However, that does not mean you can procrastinate. Even the asynchronous courses have a time frame. You need to complete the course within a definite period of time. You get to choose if you want to study in the morning, afternoon or evening – but if the course requires you to be done within a week, you need to comply.

If you have these misconceptions about online classes, make sure to correct them. Having a clear knowledge of what this type of learning strategy can or cannot do will really help you determine if it is the right course to pursue.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles for

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