4 Reasons Why Mistake-Driven Online Courses Are Effective

man who committed a mistakeOne of the ways to make online courses effective is to concentrate on mistakes. After all, the best lessons happen after a mistake. While avoiding them is important, we all need to learn how to rise in the event that we commit one. An error-free life is impossible. You will stumble and fall every now and then. That is a fact. It is not a matter of if but when.

Do not get us wrong. It is important to teach learners how to avoid making mistakes. However, it is equally important to give them the skills and resources that will help them recover from any error that they will make. This is true regardless of the topic that you will discuss in your course.

This is why you have to consider a mistaken-driven approach for your online courses – at least for some of them. Here are the benefits that you will get if you implement this in the next course that you will create.

It gives them the courage to take calculated risks.

First of all, and probably the most important, is you are removing the fear of making mistakes. Sometimes, the fear of error leaves people stagnant. They remain in their place because it is familiar to them. They refuse to go to uncharted areas in their work because they do not want to make a mistake. That, as far as career growth goes, makes them unproductive. You need to make them unafraid of taking risks by allowing them to take controlled risks so they can practice. This will help them make mistakes without the negative repercussions.

It allows them to grow from the mistakes.

The other benefit of mistake-driven online courses is giving the learners a platform to grow because of their mistakes. They get to see what they have done wrong, analyze the situation and come up with a plan that will give them a better end result. This exercise will help them grow from the mistake. It allows them to practice so they will know what to do when a real crisis arises.

It develops problem-solving skills.

Yet another benefit for learners is the development of their problem-solving skills. The risks that learners take in online courses will allow them to look back at the mistake to make sure that they understand how it happened. They get to develop their problem-solving skills as they analyze how to avoid making the same mistake again. This will also allow them to practice their critical thinking skills.

It illustrates the consequences of errors.

Finally, creating mistake-driven courses will illustrate the consequences of the errors that you will face when you apply what you learned in real life. If anything, this will help motivate you to avoid making mistakes along the way. But even if the error is committed in the future, the online courses would have equipped the learners with the ability to overcome the mistake.

These 4 reasons are only a few of the benefits of mistake-driven online courses. Since errors are unavoidable, the best defense is actually teaching learners how to be offensive. Give them the ability to rise from any mistakes that they will commit in the future. Once the skills are there, it would be easier for learners to overcome hurdles.

Image courtesy of jesadaphorn for FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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