Why Your Next Online Training Program Should Be Responsive

Why Your Next Online Training Program Should Be ResponsiveResponsive learning can really benefit your online training program. If you have not yet used it, you should probably consider implementing it in your next course. This can help your online courses more effective. Apparently, for every 1,000 employees, $13.5 million is wasted because of ineffective programs that should train and improve them.

But then again, how can responsive learning help? And what is it exactly?

Responsive learning is not entirely a new concept. This simply refers to the ability of your content to be viewed across multiple devices. By this, we mean accessing the online course through desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Some might think this is hard to achieve. After all, you need to manipulate the content so it becomes visually appealing regardless if it is viewed through the bigger screen of a desktop or smaller one of a mobile phone.

But this is actually not that difficult to accomplish. The truth is, it can be done automatically – but you have to invest in the right software program that will do this for you. Of course, like any other training initiative, you have to ask yourself if this is worth the investment. When you consider a couple of factors, you will realize just how important it really is.

If you look at it through the eyes of the learner, it will make the online lesson more convenient. They do not have to be confined to learning through a desktop. They can continue learning through mobile devices like their tablet or smartphone. It makes the learning process quite flexible. This minimizes the chance that learning will not happen.

But then again, what about for the company? How will responsive learning benefit the business?

Benefits of a responsive training program

There are three important reasons why your online course should be responsive.

First of all, you need to prepare the course for the future. Otherwise, you will find yourself having to redo everything every time another device becomes available. Remember, a few years ago, smartphones were not the norm. Now, almost everyone has one. Naturally, elearning will use it for their benefit. If you do not make your training program responsive, you will end up having to change it every now and then. Take note that this is not just about the devices. Sometimes, you also have to consider the fact that your authoring tool might need updating. If you do not make the course responsive, you will find yourself having to start from scratch.

Another reason why you want a responsive training course is to save on costs too. Every time you have to make corrections, that will cost you. Even if the changes will not require you to spend money, the time you spend making the corrections will have to be taken into account. Not only that, you should make sure that you use the right tools like cloud-based programs that will make the changes easier to manage and implement – even if you are working with a remote group.

Finally, having a responsive training program means the completion and retention rate will also increase. As mentioned, it will be more convenient for trainees to access the course. They can leave the workplace and still have the device that will allow them to finish the course at the most convenient time for them. They can choose a time that will allow them to concentrate on what they need to learn.

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