How To Create A Skills-Based Custom Training Program

How To Create A Skills Based Custom Training ProgramIn a previous article, we learned how a custom training program should focus on skills instead of knowledge. Obviously, learning a new skill will require knowledge too. It will be like hitting two birds with one stone, right?

Of course, creating a skills-based training program is not that simple. You need to make sure that you know how to implement it in accordance with the organization’s learning goals. Fortunately for you, there are various strategies and methods that you can use to create the best custom-training program that is focused on skills rather than just knowledge.

Here are different ways you can create a skills-based training course.

Make it interactive

When learning is done in an interactive manner, students are able to sharpen their critical thinking skills and paves the way for analytic reasoning. Interactive learning goes beyond just engagement. It has to include hands-on learning and real-world connection. It is the complete opposite of passive learning wherein the learner is just listening to what the instructor says. When you make the custom training program interactive, the student take a more active role in their learning. They can talk to other learners and share ideas and opinions. Learning becomes a team effort – which can be great for corporate training programs. To make a course interactive, you should create activities that will challenge the learners and immerse them in real-world applications. This will make it easier for them to react. The use of simulations and characters will also help – especially in the immersion.

Have pre-assessments

A pre-assessment is the perfect way for the learners to evaluate themselves. It also allows you to see important performance gaps that should be addressed during the custom training program. This will help personalize the course so the specific skills that they need to learn can be provided. If the learners have a firm grasp of basic communication skills, you can proceed to the more advanced skill set. This will make the learning process faster. If not, then you need to provide the fundamental concepts of communication.

Prepare specific training materials

When you have identified the specific skills needed, you should create training materials that can address just that. You can rely on the pre-assessment to determine the appropriate materials to use. Sometimes, you need to use materials that will teach a skill from scratch. In other cases, you simply have to enhance existing skills. These materials can be simulations, videos, tutorials, or other engaging activities. You can opt for divide the course – if that is what the learners need to increase retention. The learning materials and strategies can be as personalized as you can make it.

Provide resources

Finally, the custom training program should have resource links that learners can use to pursue self-learning. This will leave the learning in the hands of the learners. They can pursue further knowledge about the skill they just learned in their own time. This can be an elearning video, an article, or another course that they can use. Or it can be an infographic with a summary of what they just learned. Whatever this is, make sure it is easily accessible even on their mobile devices.

Using these tips will help make the creation of skills-based custom training programs easier. You can choose more than one of these strategies to make the course successful.

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